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Tony loses, but the ideals continue

Thank you, Brockton.  I write with a mix of emotions—gratitude for the incredible support we've received in knocking on doors and while standing at the polls to closing.  Thank you to my kids, especially Briana, and volunteers who have been both awesome and patient.  I am very humbled.  I want to express my deepest appreciation to all of you who believed in the vision for Brockton we set forth and who dedicated time, energy, and passion to our campaign.  Today, we find ourselves at a crossroads, facing not only the reality of this election but also the challenges that lie ahead for Ward 4.  Although the results may not be what we had hoped for, our journey does not end here.  Unfortunately, we faced a formidable incumbent in the entrenched machine that has long held sway in our local politics. While we may not have secured victory this time, I hope our presence has sparked a conversation about the need for change and the importance of diverse voices at the table.  Ward 4 is 69.6% families of color as registered voters.  Precinct A, 1,352, B 1,396, C 1,201, and D 1,068.  During some conversations, I misspoke and said 64.6%.  In addition, just a quick analysis of yesterday's vote is a glimpse of ethnic voting patterns.  It will be imperative for community leaders to rally behind unity candidates that are a tradition of multicultural communities such as Brockton, and not fear the political machinery.

As I reflect, I am reminded of Maya Angelou’s admonition, “Still I Rise.”  Thank you once again for being part of this incredible journey.  While this chapter may be closing, the story of Ward 4 is far from over.  Let us remain committed to the ideals that brought us together and continue to demand, CITY HALL BELONGS TO YOU!

Committee to Elect Tony Branch
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